With the lovely weather we have had this winter it took 2 months but my RV is now parked next to the house. It turned out to be a lot more work than I thought it was and it’s a tight fit but it finally is parked where I can actually do some work on […]

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Up early on my hopefully last day in the US to get things organized for my trip to the border. The first problem to deal with I need to bring the slides in on the RV but the awnings that sit over top of them are covered in frozen snow, the solution bang on them with […]

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The wind started to pick up after dinner last night. By the time I went to bed all the snow and ice had come off the tree beside me so I had a decent nights sleep. With the wind blowing temps here dropped to -13c was a little uncomfortable crawling out of bed this morning […]

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Found a place to wait out my exile in Lynden, it’s about 25 miles from the border crossing. While there are quite a few trailers parked here it seems no one is living in them. So I have the park to myself, no sharing the free internet which is spotty but unfortunately, the washrooms are […]

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I spent last night in a Pilot parking lot it was noisy and cold but it should have been my last night in the US The morning went from bad to worse, when I arrived at the border all the access lanes were blocked off and the border patrol was using a dog to check […]

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I take back what I wrote yesterday today’s drive was defiantly the worst day of driving in what had been a very long journey. The day started off great,  after spending another cold night in the RV the service manager banged on my door at 9:00 to let me know that the circuit board had […]

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Left Las Vegas early yesterday morning aside from the long climb out of the valley yesterday’s drive was long but uneventful. Stopped twice on my way thru California to try to get the furnace fixed but got the same story. It would be two weeks to a month till they could even look at it, […]

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The past two days have been pretty uneventful, I get up to eat my breakfast then walk the 1/2 mile down the road to purchase my morning coffee at 7 Eleven. Yesterday morning after purchasing my coffee I continued on down the road, after getting off the main drag I walked thru a large residential […]

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This is the first time in a very long time that I haven’t woken up with my wife on Christmas day, it makes me a little sad but in less than a week I should be back home and all will be good. My luck may be improving on my hike today to get coffee […]

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Things were going so well I knew something had to go wrong eventually. Went down to the Las Vegas strip last night had a nice dinner. Then I walked the strip for a couple of hours it really hasn’t changed that much since I was last here. After walking the strip I went and saw […]

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