Ready to go before 9 for a change but discovered a headlight out so off to Canadian Tire we go to fix it. While we were there, I decided to replace the wiper blades at the same time big mistake 2 hrs later we finally got back on the road. Saskatchewan is very flat with […]

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Slept in till after 9 due to the time change, after breakfast we checked out the Frison Bros market, quite nice with a cool large Styrofoam Grizzly out front. Then it was time to head out, first thing to do was find water, we ran out the night before, still need to get organized with […]

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After a restful sleep at the Costco we head out early along Highway 5 towards Jasper, Mt Robson is absolutely stunning with it’s layered rock covered in snow. Up through the mountains we see great swaths of dead pine trees – the battle against the pine beetle is far from over. We spend the late […]

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A bit of a late start even though we were up with the sun, by the time we finished rearranging the cars it was 7:30 before we actually left, but with a a bit of luck we actually made the 8:00am sailing, arriving just in time to drive right on, a very good omen. Stopped […]

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After 5 years of planning and a lot of hard work we are finally ready to go. The RV is packed and tomorrow we head out on an epic adventure, we will be traveling for the next 9 months thru North America, traveling up to Nova Scotia and then coming back thru the US. It’s […]

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