I’ve been interested in e-bikes for awhile now and finally took the plunge and converted my bike with a Bafang kit. The results turned out far better than I had expected. The conversion kit was ordered from a store on AliExpress. It’s a Bafang BBS 02 750 watt mid drive unit as well as an […]

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Jackie and I rode down to Uptown this afternoon and spent a fun time watching the Busker Shows on the main stage setup at the Uptown Mall made for a nice little outing. All the acts were very entertaining I look forward to going again next year.

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It’s been a long time coming but I finally am able to retire, as of June 30th I have been officially terminated!!! Had some people from work over for a BBQ to celebrate I think everyone had a great time. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better I was presented with this. Amazing […]

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Went up to Penticton with a friend to pick up a boat, along the way we stopped at the Hope/Princeton slide and a couple of other spots to do some FPV flying. Stayed in the Naramata area with a friend of his, very picturesque, huge houses, vineyards and orchards as far as you could see. […]

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I will be traveling to Australia in Aug and wanted to be able to dive on the Great Barrier Reef. I went ahead and booked my 3 day trip in January at the same time that I signed up for scuba lessons. I did great in the pool sessions but was having a problem getting use […]

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After 4 years of use the box I use to run my blog as well as serve files and backup my computers died two weeks ago.   It took a day to figure out the motherboard had failed & two more days of research to decide to replace it with a Synology DS415+. I purchased […]

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My boss asked me last week if I thought I might be able to fix his laptop, the power jack had been damaged and needed to be replaced. I like to dabble with electronics and after checking out a few videos on YouTube it looked like it might be possibe. I ordered a replacement jack […]

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Went up to Bear Mountain this afternoon to attend the BearTrax Festival had an awesome time watching the riders leap 20 meters and more on the their bikes while doing flips and tail wags. It was very impressive to see in real life much more interesting than watching it on the telly. It was a […]

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Went down to the buskers festival this evening and thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment put on by the performers, way more entertaining than a movie and cost much less.     https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28944667/Photos/Busker1.mp4

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