Left Barwick early for the long drive to Thunder Bay. This part of Ontario is sparsely populated more lakes,bridges,float planes, summer cottages and boats. We see lots of solar panels sitting in empty fields, some articulated but mostly they are fixed. The road up is in fairly good shape, mostly straight with several long sections being repaired. Arrived in Thunder Bay just after 7, we now have crossed 3 time zones so it’s still light out till after 10. It is strange getting ready for bed while the sun is still up.

Probably one of the worst nights we have had, spent the night at the Walmart just outside of Thunder Bay at a abandoned gas station. Between the loud semi trucks and the even louder diesel trucks racing around all night we got very little sleep.

After a long night we spent the morning running errands – replacing my shaver (left the charge cord at home) a little shoe shopping, and checking out downtown Thunder Bay. This town turns out to be old looking with lots of post war buildings made of brick. After lunch we head out to Kakabeca Falls Provincial Park, the falls are spectacular!! Before heading back to Thunder Bay we ride our bikes around the provincial camp ground. There are 200 sites, some with power if you have a long enough cord. It looks like a nice camp site but at $47 a night we decide to head back to our free parking spot at Walmart – a different one this time that hopefully is a little quieter.

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