Up early once again to board our bus to Kangaroo Island. It’s a 3 hour drive to the ferry terminal thru the very busy streets of Adelaide and the rolling hills of the countryside. This city is much larger than I had imagined with tall buildings, and major traffic at 6:00am.

The ferry crossing takes 50 min, we then re-board our bus for the first stop – Seal bay. This is home to approx 1000 seals and seal lions -we only saw a dozen. They spend 2-3 days out in the ocean hunting, then roughly the same amount on the beach resting up.

After a delicious lunch at Vivonne Bay Bistro for lunch, we go on a hunt for Koalas at Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. We see 9 Koalas sleeping high up in the trees, as well as  several chocolate brown kangaroos.

At Remarkable Rocks we see a cluster of granite boulders sculpted by the weather perched on a granite dome.

Admirals Arch requires you walk down 500 m of steps and platforms. The view is worth it. The sea water has carved a massive arch thru the cliff side. This the breeding ground of a colony of long nosed fur seals.You can see them frolicking in the tidal pools

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