Slept in till 6:30 what a treat, this is the last day of our Intrepid Tour. Today we head for our final destination – Adelaide. We drive thru an agricultural area with numerous herds of sheep. We even spot several kangaroos munching on the farmers’ fields.

The road up to Alligator Gorge in Flinders Range is windy,narrow and steep. We see many kangaroos bouncing thru the trees on either side of us – one is huge at least 6 feet tall. So muscular – like Arnold Schwarzenegger! No idea why it is called Alligator Gorge as Australia only has crocodiles.

The walk is steep up and then down and along the river. We have to cross the water many times on slippery rocks.

On thru the Clare valley past yellow fields of canola.

Last stop of the day was a vineyard wine tasting. We tried Dark side of the Moon and other whites,rose and reds with famous song names. It  was an excellent way to finish the day.

Next stop Adelaide

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