Up at 4:45am this morning so we can eat breakfast  and be at the base of Uluru before sunrise. Our bus drops us off at the base in the pitch black with an amazing display of stars in the sky.

As we walk along the path it begins to sprinkle and I’m wishing I’d worn an extra shirt this morning as it’s cooler than I expected. As the sun starts to rise, we stop and watch the cliff turn from a muddy brown to an amazing gold color and then back again in the space of about 10 minutes. There is also a double rainbow over the landscape.

Uluru at Sunrise

I’m hoping that Jackie’s view is as nice, since she was unable to do the 10k hike with us after twisting her ankle on yesterday’s hike.

After watching the sunset we spend the next 2 hours walking around the base of Uluru while it intermittently rains. Certain sections of the mountain are not allowed to be photographed for religious reasons. Despite the distance it’s an enjoyable hike.

After the hike, we have a Mala aboriginal guided tour and visit the cultural centre. The story here in Australia is much the same as it is with our First Nation peoples and the struggle to maintain the traditional ways.

As the rain becomes heavier we are treated to a rare sight – waterfalls running off Uluru. The mountain is transformed with the cloud cover slipping over the top of the 500m cliffs and numerous waterfalls flowing down the sides.

Truly a once in a lifetime experience for us. Now it was time to dry off!

Arrived at our campsite a little late as we had to relocate to a new campground due to electrical problems caused by the rain. We have a chance to see all kinds of pop-up campers and rooftop tents.  We enjoy a late dinner complete with wine 🙂

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