Up early for our 6:00am pickup to join the Intrepid outback tour. We meet out 15 travelling companions and head off through the fog and drizzle. This apparently unusual wet weather this year.

Our first stop a camel farm.

After checking out the Camels,Emus and Dingos it was back on the bus. We learn that camels are very smart and can learn voice commands.  Once the fog burned off the landscape looked quite similar to Africa with the red soil and short vegetation, just a little greener.

On our drive to Uluru we make one more stop and collect firewood. We spot a blue tongued lizard warming up in the sun as the rain eases off.

In the afternoon we hike to Kata Tjuta walking the trail between the two massive rocks. There was much more green vegetation and water than I had expected for a desert area. Our research showed very little rainfall in this area.

Our next stop was the main attraction –  Uluru at sunset which we celebrated with some champagne and nibblies.

Dinner backs at camp was an Australian BBQ complete with kangaroo and we retired to our quaint little tent. 

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