Dawson Yukon August 11 2023
We spent the morning walking the streets of the gold rush town Dawson. Dirt roads, wooden boardwalks, false store fronts, old log buildings, newer construction buildings with all metal cladding and roofs. One can almost imagine gold seekers strolling and shopping the streets. The fire museum has many old fire engines, including a very impressive steam powered one. On our walk we also see old boats, ( sternwheeler, paddlewheeler, numerous boats for hire, as well as a couple of float planes) along the river.

Leaving town we see miles and miles of rock left over from the dredging operations. Little grows in these rock piles as the dirt and sand would have been washed away while looking for gold. A real eyesore.

The highway between Dawson and Stewart Crossing contains many gravel sections and makes for a long day of driving. It’s hard to tell if these will be covered over in asphalt or left as is. We see lots of stunted spruce trees in permafrost, we understand there are only 70 frost free days a year. Not much traffic on this road.
We overnight near Stewart Crossing in a pull out.