Hanging out in PEI
Sept 13-16 inclusive
We have been hanging out in PEI the last few days. It has been sunny and warm so we have been lazing at the beach, hiking in the parks, and even biking on the Confederation Trail. We continue to drive through farmland and along harbors. Charlottetown is a lovely city with historic houses and buildings, even the cruise ships visit here!

We have been seeing a lot of mussel fisheries in the bays. Seed mussels are fed into long socks which are then lowered in the water. The mussels make their way to the outside of the net sock and grow for up to 12-24 months before harvest. Mussels are even harvested in the winter by drilling through the ice. PEI has made us appreciate that we are not farmers and not working in the fishing industry.

A tour at the Cows Factory shows us how butter, ice cream, and cheese are made. The ice cream is delicious! We also view an informative video of how the Confederation bridge was built, and quickly too! It took just 4 years to finish and is 13 km long (how many long years did it take Victoria’s Blue Bridge to complete…)