Lloydminster Ab or Sk ?
We spent a lovely evening enjoying the fire pit with Tammy & Bill and his family. It was nice to catch up and find out what Bill had been up to since we last worked together at CTC over 20 years ago. After a tour of his very nice 5 acre lot we headed to bed, only to be awakened a few hours later by the sound of thunder and rain beating off our roof, fortunately it was short lived and we had a very nice rest afterwards.In the morning we were awoken by the sounds of cement trucks arriving to pour the floor on the garage Bill’s been working on for the last 4 years.After a final farewell we headed off for our first stop – the giant pysanka (Ukrainian Egg) in Vegreville, the last time we were here was with the boys on our World’s Greatest Tour a very long time ago.
Along the way to our next stop we spot lots of oil tanks and pumps in the surrounding fields – “black gold” they call it. We are seeing lots of farming but the fields are bare so no miles of waving wheat for us but plenty of grain silos, elevators and rail cars. Just before reaching our 2nd to last stop of the day, we see a fox dash across the highway – was much smaller than I expected.
We spent the rest of the afternoon in Lloydminster at Bud Miller All Seasons Park riding around the numerous trails visiting the trout pond, checking out the cross country ski trails as well as the giant “gnoman style” sundial a tall pole positioned to cast a shadow towards tall numbered poles. If we hadn’t read the plaque I doubt we would have figured out what it was for.
The final stop of the day was our favorite place to spend the night on travel days Walmart.