Off to Greybull this morning to the rest stop off Highway 14, at this rest stop is the Museum of Flight & Aerial Firefighting. A nice little stop – lots of planes to see, as well as some planes being stored way off in the distant.

Next, we head to Sheridan through the Bighorn Scenic Bypass. The first stretch of the Bighorn National Forest was awesome, lots of unusual rock formations. At the summit, there is some snow but the road is clear until we hit one 5-mile patch of dense fog on a steep downhill section. Eventually, we break clear of the fog and can see clear across the valley and plains. We are still so high up that we are looking down thru the top of a rainbow – very cool.

In the afternoon we stop at Fort Phil Kearny National Historic Site, very little of the fort remains just a small section of wall and flags pointing out were building and such were. We do hear the history of how 3 Indian tribes banded together to outfight the Americans (100:1) , the slaughter took just 2 hrs. It was interesting but not worth the long detour to get here. Onward to Gillette to spend the night at another Walmart.


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