In the morning we brave the cool rain and walk thru the Maori Village of Ohinemutul and see St. Faith’s Church.  We can hear the choir singing as we stroll thru the mist created by the hot vents. We also see Tuma-te-kapua Whareenui meeting house with its carved poles.

We then head over to the Government Gardens and the lakefront. We soon spot steam rising out of the ground,from storm drains, people’s yards and hot pools everywhere.

Just thinking that these are volcanic vents to the center of the earth makes it a fascinating place. The best thermal activity we find is in the afternoon at Kuirau Park. This is a huge park with 30-40 fenced off areas of all sizes from a few meters to a huge lake. Some are full of boiling water and some are full of boiling mud. Truly awesome, there is even a foot bath for us visitors to rest  our weary feet.

In the late afternoon we drive out of town to the Whakarewarewa Redwood Forest to stroll among the giant redwoods planted in 1901. Was wonderful to see a New Zealand forest with tree ferns and palms interspersed with California Redwoods.

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