Today we head to Darlington Harbour. On our way we pass thru a lot of construction sites putting up highrises and some wharf upgrades.

As we stroll down the road we pass numerous coffee shops and eateries filled with office workers. We stop to have a look at the world’s largest Imax screen on our way to the Chinese Friendship Garden. It looked nice on the outside but we don’t enter due to the admittance fee.



On our way to view the Naval Museum we pass an awesome children’s playground that contained numerous water activities, and some very interesting climbing apparatus.


Out front of the Naval Museum are numerous vessels – these include a destroyer, submarine and Vietnamese refugee boat from the 1970s.


As we leave the museum we come across a KFC commercial being filmed. There were many young men and women carrying KFC buckets while riding red skate boards.

Our next destination is Barangaroo.  This is a new park area and addition to the harbour walkway. It’s lovely to walk thru and offers a different view to the Harbour



After a long day of walking we head back to our hotel, we decide to take one last stroll thru the harbour and end up spending 1/2 hour watching the Sun Princess cruise ship being assisted leaving the harbour.

Bon Voyage! A perfect ending to our last day in Australia.

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