Another early start today on day 2 of the Great Ocean Road Tour. We leave the Grampians in the drizzle and head to the Great Ocean Road. The scenery is similar to the Oregon coast with sea stacks and big surf.


Our first stop is Bay of Martyrs, then London Bridge, Loch Ard Gorge,Apollo Bay and the 12 Apostles – all amazing rock features.

London Bridge only has one arch now, but 3 people were there when the arch attaching it to the land fell into the sea. Fortunately no one was hurt but a news channel had to be convinced to loan out their helicopter to rescue the two men stranded on the remaining arch.

We have lunch in Otway National Park and stop at Kennett River where we are lucky to see more koalas up in gum trees. There are also lots of parrots and crimson rosellas to see, as well as sulfur crested cockatoos.

Onward to Melbourne, passing through the lovely seaside village on Anglesea with its gorgeous seaside homes.

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