Up at 5:45am so I’ll be ready for my 6:10 pickup. Then it’s off to their shop collecting people along the way.  After getting our gear all sorted out, we head to the dock to board our boat and have breakfast.

As we eat breakfast, the boat heads out to our first dive site “The Whale on Milln Reef”. I do a guided dive for this one just to remind myself how it’s done. Diving in Australia is so much nicer than home, the water temp was 24c, warmer than the pool I did my dive course. My  open ocean dive in Victoria was at 4 C.

My first dive was everything I hoped it would be, the weather was warm,the seas were calm and visibility was great. Saw a sea turtle and a ton of fish, as well as all kinds of coral.

I will be bringing my GoPro on the rest of the dives expecting great things.

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