Left our hotel at 9 by bus to travel to the airport. This was the start of our trip to the Amazon Jungle. After the 30 minute flight we arrived in Puerto Maldonada.


We then took a bus to the travel office where we prepared our day pack for our stay at the lodge. Back on the bus we traveled thru a few villages on the bumpy red clay roads for an hour till we reached our boat.


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The boat ride to the lodge took 2 1/2 hours on the muddy brown river, both sides of the river were covered in lush green vegetation.

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After getting settled into our rooms, we went on a nature hike in the dark. On the hike we were shown all kinds of insects,spiders,geckos, as well as frogs. We then had a lovely 3 course dinner before heading to bed early since this camp has no electricity and cold showers only.

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