Seward Alaska August 3 2023
Today’s destination is Seward. Along the way, we stop at Moose Pass to check out the water wheel and sharpen my knife, as well as view more salmon spawning.

Just before lunch we enjoy a hike to the Exit Glacier observation point at Kenai Fjords National Park. A nice day for a hike, but so so many black flies. The glacier is lovely and the recession is marked along the trail. We pass by 1961 and we still have a long way to go.

We next venture into the town of Seward. Other than the cruise ship in port, there really is not a lot to see. The one thing Seward has a lot of is camping, it goes on for miles along the sea shore, but is really just a gravel parking lot. The rates vary from $20-60 depending on size and amenities, we paid $20!!!! just to park.

We head back towards Anchorage for a boondocking site on the lake near Moose Pass. We see lots of RVs and float planes when we arrive.