Saona Island Tour
Up early today for our first excursion, snorkelling at Saona island. Bus left at 8:15 for the 90 minute drive to our boat.

After 45 minutes we stopped for a bathroom break but mostly it was a tourist trap to sell you stuff.

For the next 45 minutes we drove thru miles of sugar cane fields that are harvested most by Haitians.

Arrived at a beach that they are using to launch the boats from, we were supposed to be going by catamaran but our plans were changed so it’s speed boat there catamaran back.

Loading was right off the beach so remove shoes and make your way onto the bouncing boat.

After following the coast for an hour we made our first stop at a blue lagoon. The water was 3 to 4 feet deep and a little chilly but the rum cuba libre took care of that. We stayed for just over 1/2 hr before heading for our final destination.

After arriving at the island we had an hour to ourselves before eating lunch, most of our group spent their time enjoying the free rum but a few went swimming.
Lunch was delicious and after that it was back to drinking and water sports we had hoped to go snorkelling but this was not the area for it.

Then it was time to head back on the catamaran but first we had to take a speed boat out to it. Then it was just another long boat ride to our van, followed by another long drive back to the hotel.

A great day but a long one.