We have crossed into Laos at Huay Xai. Our accommodation last night was a very rustic rattan/bamboo cabin.  Shower right next to toilet and electric light swinging almost in the water stream.  No glass on the windows, just screen and shades.  Some said they got shocked from the plugs, but at least we had warm […]

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Onto the rural countryside – lots of rice paddy fields, cows, water buffalo.  We travel through the mountains by bus.  Morning stop at a cashew factory.  We now understand why cashews cost so much.  They grow one to a pod the size of a red pepper. After much drying and baking one cashew is extracted […]

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Evening adventure to see Thai kick boxing matches. We soon found out the stadium was located in the red light district.  Many ladies on the street offering services.  The ring was surrounded by bars with ladies and ‘lady boys’.   Lots of tourists wagering on the fights cheering on their fighter.  We were unsure of […]

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A few more temples and a boat ride along the canals of Bangkok and it is time to board the overnight train to Chiang Mai. A local man and son share some oranges and longans with us.  The scenery in the morning is dense jungle with bamboo and gorgeous orchids, elephant ears, and bromeliads in […]

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The Grand palace was built in 1782 and consists of over 30 buildings.  we must cover legs and shoulders so layer a second set – super hot now!  The buildings are very ornate dripping with gold, gem stones, and mother of pearl, glittering in the sun.  The Royal monastery contains the Emerald Buddha carved from […]

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Got up very early this morning still not use to the time change. Purchased breakfast from a street vendor, 2 pieces of toast and some nice tangerine juice. Caught a bus into town with  some help from a friendly street worker she had never actually ridden a bus, but found us someone who had. Good […]

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Made it into Bangkok 5:30 last night, took a taxi to our hotel that took 1 1/2 hours due to the huge amount of traffic. Would have been nice if we had got dropped off at our hotel  instead of a few blocks away but fortunately we found a nice Australian who knew where we […]

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Left Wednesday at 6:00pm arrived in Hongkong Friday at 11:00am due to a 1 hour stopover in Seoul  On the move  for over 24 hrs with hardly any sleep thanks to an overly active toddler on the plane. Just one 3hr flight to go. Christmas must be universal since the terminals here are all decked […]

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Great Indochina Loop Days 1-2 Bangkok Loud, bright, chaotic and delightful, Bangkok is a city of modern excesses intermingled with simple traditions, all wrapped up in the famous smiles of the locals.   Day 3 Chiang Mai Awash with stunning temples, fabulous markets and a lively city center, charming Chiang Mai is rich in culture […]

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