Deadmans Campsite Alaska July 26 2023
Had a very pleasant sleep at our riverside campsite, ate breakfast then headed back to Haines Junction to grab some gas and groceries before heading for the border.

Stop at a tiny Catholic church made from a quonset hut, the most photographed church in the Yukon, to take a picture before heading out.

The first half of our drive was quite nice with lovely views of the St. Elias mountain range and a decent road, but the farther away we got the worst the roads got with many gravel patches, as well as big dips in the road. The two that I failed to notice actually got the RV airborne.

The last half of the drive was filled with very bad roads and road construction until we hit the border. Then the roads improved a bit, but went back to very bad roads with one long wait before being escorted thru a construction zone.
Made it to our campsite at Deadmans Campground just before dinner.
All in all another good day.