Whitehorse 24 July 2023
Turned out to be a decent night, a little cold and noisy, but still nice. We were up early, gassed up and dumped our tanks before heading for Whitehorse.
Once in Whitehorse we viewed the S. S. Klondike – one of 18 paddle boats that helped service (mail, cargo, passengers & silver/lead ore) the area for the 5 months when the river was open. We toured the bottom floor, which housed the wood burning steam system that burned a cord of wood an hour. The shallow vessel picked up more wood every 50 miles.
We also walk the town visiting the Information Center and Museum and see plenty of old wooden buildings while taking the river walk back to the RV.
Very Interesting.

After lunch we drove out to the Whitehorse Rapids Fishway, the longest wooden fish ladder in the world, located at the hydro electric dam just outside of town.

Next out to Miles Canyon, which is a narrow channel that the Yukon River flows through. It includes a suspension bridge, as well as numerous trails, so we went for a bit of a walk about before heading to Wolf Creek campground for the night.