Wed Dec 26 – Vientiane to Hanoi, Vietnam
In the caves of Vang Vieng we see evidence of bombing as the
Locals sought refuge there. Work continues on finding and removing the 30% of bombs that still remain.
It is warm and humid here in Vientiane. On the way here we drive through rubber forests.
We visit local temples and religious sites and see the Victory Gate to commemorate lives lost in war.
Christmas dinner out – but no turkey on the menu! Some carols are playing and some trees and decorations for all the tourists.
Must go now – time to catch a local flight to Vietnam – hope we make it there!
Merry Christmas and cheers on boxing day…I raise a glass of snake’s blood to you (ugh)…what an amazing journey you are having. Your photo’s and blogs are better than Rick Steve’s!!! Big day come and gone in our corner of the world. If I said you din’t miss anything…would much rather be riding an elephant!! Take care…