Have arrived in Cambodia to the capital city of Phnom Penh. On the way our bus had to cross the Mekong River. The travel company had a policy that we must wear life jackets so only Intrepid passengers had to leave the bus and wear life vests.


We had to stand on the ramp at the front of the boat – seemed far more dangerous than staying in the bus.
The Royal Palace was closed to visitors as the father of the king died in October and lies in state. Meanwhile they are building a $2 million crematorium next door for a service in Feb.

We were able to see the Silver Pagoda on the same grounds and see the palace from afar.  The style seems much like the Thai Royal Palace. Also visit a nearby temple.
In the afternoon we have a guided tour of the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek – the site of mass graves from the Khmer Rouge time.


We also visit the Genocide Museum where many were imprisoned and tortured. Both are very sad reminders of the terrible things people do (and continue to do) to other people.


The Cambodian people are still struggling to rebuild – over half of the population are young people because of the genocide. The people are either very rich or very poor here. Foreign investors are getting rich off the people. There are lots of people living on the street and begging. There is much struggle ahead for this country.


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