Today we temple hop near Siem Reap, Cambodia. Our first stop is the spectacular Angkor Wat, a vast complex beautifully reflected in the surrounding moat with its 5 towers.

Intricate carvings cover the walls depicting the 37 levels of heaven and the 37 levels of hell, as well as life on earth in between.  The rainbow causeway crosses the moat (ocean) to connect the hell of earth to the heaven of the temple.

This is the image commonly seen to represent Cambodia and is one of the wonders of the world.

Angkor Thom was a great city of 1 million people built in 1181-1220. Bayon temple contains over 200 mysterious smiling faces combining Hindu and Buddha images.  Very photogenic.


Banteay Srei temple was where the king kept his concubines. Although smaller than the other 2 temples mentioned, it is unique in that it is made of pink sandstone and is very intricately carved. It dates back to 968 AD.
Although very hot and humid today, these sites are a highlight of this incredible trip. A dip in the pool and some food (not to mention ice cream) and we are ready for a new day.

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